πŸ–The many successes of the cultured meat industry

🌱 With products released in Singapore and now the US cultured meat stirred up quite the conversation in 2023. As we gear up for more products hitting the market in 2024 (hopefully also in Australia), it's worth looking at some of the hidden benefits of cultured meat. Regardless of the debates over its long-term commercial viability, we can't ignore the substantial πŸš€ impact it's had on the broader biotech industry.

πŸ”¬ With support from hundreds of B2B companies in the cultured meat sphere there has been several remarkable advancements. In just the past five years, we've witnessed:

πŸ“‰ A dramatic reduction in the cost of recombinant growth factors, resulting in a meaningful decrease in the price of growth media. Back in 2019, FGF2 cost more than USD $2M/g, but now, it's available for under USD $100k/g (list price)!

πŸ§ͺ The development of several publicly available chemically defined media formulations, crucial for skeletal muscle proliferation and differentiation. These formulations open the path for cheaper and more consistent R&D within academic circles.

πŸ”„ Cutting-edge bioreactor designs that cater to high-density and large-scale growth (both critical for the growing cell therapy space). This area is still evolving, but the progress is genuinely exciting!

Building on over a century of cell biology and regenerative medicine research, the cultured meat industry is now offering groundbreaking insights and products. These innovations are revolutionizing not only our food systems but also enriching the entire cell therapy field. The potential to harness these innovations for dramatically reducing the cost of cell-based products and therapies is immense.

πŸ‘€ I'm thrilled to see how these recent advances in cultured meat will further inspire and transform the life science and biotech landscapes. The possibilities are endless, and the future looks promising!


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